Sydney Times


FAKE NEWS About UBER Surge Pricing!?

FAKE NEWS About UBER Surge Pricing,.. and Travelling with UBER on New Years Eve 2017!

Don’t be mislead by some of the exaggerated claims in the mainstream media about a 700% price surges on Uber,…such a scenario is highly unusual,..anomalous and probably a glitch in the system…Uber Surges are generally around 1.5X or 1.6X and may sometimes ,…at peak moments of demand rise to 2.5X generally after Midnight !!

NEW YEARs “Fireworks and Revelry” in Sydney 31December 2017
With more than two million rides tonight, and most of Sydney‘s Top BARS RESTAURANTS and CLUBS doing a roaring business,…and all Fireworks display vantage points overcrowded,…

UBER expects New Year’s Eve to be their busiest night ever!
Busy nights require surge pricing to get enough cars on the road and ensure you always have a reliable ride.

“Uber surge pricing will be the highest between midnight and 3am on New Year’s, a company spokesman has warned, and the increased cost will also apply to its lesser known taxi partnership.”

UberTAXI is used by licensed taxi drivers when they can’t get conventional fares and had until recently been restricted from applying surge pricing to customers.

“On New Year’s Eve, everyone is looking for rides at exactly the same times. We expect the highest demand and highest fares between 12:30 and 4:00 AM, where an average ride at 2 AM could be over $100. To avoid these high fares, don’t request during these three and a half hours-catch a ride just after midnight or wait a couple of hours for prices to return to normal.”
Source UBER Client newsletter just now.

About the author

Aksel Ritenis

Publisher and Custodian of the Sydney Times

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