Sydney Times


Listening leads to better outcomes-Salvation Army supports VOICE

Written by Aksel Ritenis

Listening leads to better outcomes-Salvation Army supports VOICE



The Salvation Army





3 October 2023


Throughout our history, The Salvation Army has learnt that delivering services without listening does not work – and the government has finally learnt this, too.

That is why The Salvation Army supports a Voice, as a social justice response.

  • You can’t deliver a great service if you are not actively listening to the people using it.
  • You can’t draft great policy if you’re not listening to the people who have to follow it.
  • You can’t make great law if you’re not listening to the people who will be impacted by it.

We want a Voice so we can listen, so we can get policy right and make a difference in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, who are among the most disadvantaged people in our country.

We know from lived experience that anything that gives the people affected by a policy (or law or service) a voice is a good thing. Listening leads to better outcomes.

The Salvos are not going to tell anyone how to vote – that’s not who we are – but we are asking people to really listen to what is being said and think about what really matters in this debate.

We think what really matters is addressing the hardship and injustice experienced by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and we think making sure they have a voice is the best way to do it.

Diversity will make a Voice that much more powerful if it becomes part of the Constitution, which is what The Salvation Army is praying will happen – because of the other thing we have learnt over 140 years of helping Australians…


It is hard to listen to people if you don’t let them have a voice!


Jennifer Kirkaldy

General Manager

Policy and Advocacy

The Salvation Army Australia



About the author

Aksel Ritenis

Publisher and Custodian of the Sydney Times

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