Sydney Times


Dissapointing The Catholic Weekly didn’t follow the Australian Bishops and encourage a Yes vote for constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal people

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Dissapointing The Catholic Weekly didn’t follow the Australian Bishops and encourage a Yes vote for constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal people

Dear Editor,
I find it disappointing that The Catholic Weekly didn’t follow the Australian Bishops and encourage a Yes vote for constitutional Recognition of Aboriginal people and giving them a Voice in matters that affect them. I think it confirms the paper is out of the mainstream of Australian Catholicism’s concern for social justice. It confirms the CW inhabits a fringe world, recycling American culture war nonsense, and is comfortable mixing with the likes of Israel Folau’s homophobia, One Nation’s Mark Latham, and telling transexuals what’s good for them. Their Persona no grata seem to include three of my personal heroes – Pope Francis, President Joe Biden and that lapsed Catholic Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, who are islands of common sense in a troubled world facing a climate crisis, war mongers and a recession of democracy. Such a turn off for idealistic young people.

Subscriber identified but name has been withheld on request which complies with  Sydney Times Policy on letters  (Ed)

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